Drywall is all installed! The final finishing touches are getting all the tape, prefill, and joint compound in. I really struggle with this part because no matter what, I’m never happy with how the room looks. Even more so this time, this room comes with a lot of baggage. A lot of the pre-existing walls have really poorly done finish jobs. You can see tape in a lot of spaces; gaps in others, and overall just bad looking finished drywall. It’s hard to commit to a good look when I’ll still see all the issue I didn’t even have a hand in! Drywall1 Luckily some paint will surprisngly cover a lot of sins when it comes to drywall issues. The room originally had a pastel-yellow shade for the ceilings and walls which was…unpleasent. So we are going with a white ceiling and a light blue-grey on the walls. It turned out pretty nice! The room can easily be dark being that it’s in a basement with only a single window.

Drywall2 Next up is installing the floor! Then we’ll be putting finishing touches on and moving furniture in. I’m so ready to let my mental inbox be cleared from all the tasks dealing with this project.